
Video marketing statistics you need to remember in 2025

Maddie Prior
February 21, 2025
4 min read
Video marketing statistics you need to remember in 2025

Video marketing is increasing in popularity due to everything being pushed post-pandemic. The pandemic played a massive role in the increase of video content and had a major impact on the online world as this is what everyone had to rely on to find new businesses and promote themselves to new customers. 

Audiences have now become lazier and want to be given their information in the easiest possible way, and video is able to do this. It gives the information to customers quickly and effectively in a short amount of time which is what many people are now looking for. People don't want to search for information for hours. 

Over the last 3 years video marketing has become a crucial part of many marketers marketing strategies. It has become a need and not a want anymore as consumers are looking for the brands with video content. 

Here are a few important facts and figures to remember when considering video marketing as part of your future marketing strategy. 

Online video

In 2025 online video will make up for more than 82% of all consumer internet traffic this is 15 times higher than it was in 2017

Audiences are finding the need to use video, video interests a much wider audience than text and images. It has grown a huge amount over the last year due to covid, and now many people rely on video to find out information quickly. By creating more online video content you will be pushing more customers to find out about your company which will help increase your lead generation and conversion rates.  

Including video on your landing page can boost conversion rates by 80%

Having video content on your landing page will more than likely keep customers on your website for longer, you are capturing their attention as soon as they land on your page making your website much more appealing to them. As a company you want to be giving the information straight to the customers, you don't want them to have to look for the information, as a business you want to be giving it straight to them. If you are doing this you will help your conversion rate as you are giving the information straight to the customer and they can make their buying decision straight from the video. 

Social video gets 12 times more shares than text and images combined.

As a business you want to be pushing your content around all your social channels, text and images aren't making the cut for the best content anymore as less people are interested in seeing these types of posts. Sharing video content that captures consumers attention quickly is vital, video is a lot more effective as it engages and holds the audience's attention for a lot longer due to the moving graphics. Customers are more likely to share content that interests them, as people want other people to see what they find interesting and for others to enjoy what they enjoy. 

Audiences watch on average around 26 hours of video every week. 

People are becoming more reliant on video content, it is important for brands and businesses to remember this as they are the people who are putting the video content out there to their audiences. Customers are willing to watch the videos businesses and brands put out there as they have the time to watch it. 6 out of 10 people prefer to watch online content compared to television. This shows online video is increasing massively, less people are watching TV so you don't need to consider tv ads as much. TV ads cost more and this could be a waste of your company's money as your audience might not see it. Whereas online video will be noticed as you’ll post the content where your customers are, you are then reaching the right market and people will watch what you are making.

How video is helping marketers 

86% of businesses use video as a marketing tool, this is up from 63% over the last three years.

Video has become a great marketing tool, it is able to get information to customers quickly in the most effective way without missing out any details. It has become a tool that is easy to create as marketers are able to do it themselves or they are able to outsource the project to a team of professionals. It can help businesses make a complex concept easier to understand which benefits companies as they don't have to worry anymore about customers understanding what they do. Covid moved many people online and gave audiences the opportunity to watch more video content therefore it has increased businesses usage of video marketing. 

83% of marketers who use video have said that video has helped increase the average time their visitors spend on their pages. 

Audiences are becoming lazier, you want to be keeping them on your social platforms and landing pages longer. Video helps capture the eyes of audiences and keep them focused on what product or service you are selling to them, this benefits the company as the longer you are able to keep audiences on your website the more likely they will make a purchase and the higher up you'll show in google rankings. Google is able to indicate that your audience is spending a longer amount of time on your page and will automatically push your page higher up it’s ranking as you're providing useful information on your website. This is the same for social media platforms, the longer audiences spend on your page the more likely you will show up on other peoples and there explore pages. 87% of video marketers say video has increased traffic to their website. This is showing more customers are interested in the video content that businesses are putting together and that using websites on landing pages is beneficial. 

93% of marketers who use video say it's an important part of their marketing strategy. 

Video marketing has increased and has been able to help many companies improve their brand awareness and help increase both traffic and sales. If marketers are seeing an increase in these areas they are more than likely going to stick to using what they know and what works. Video is a tool that can work for anyone as it's easy to use, it means it works better with customers as it's quicker and easier to comprehend. Video marketing also gets marketers 66% more qualified leads per year. Getting more qualified leads is extremely important, as this will increase yearly and marketers want to see that the techniques they are using are working and they are going to be generating more sales from this. Being consistent with what marketing strategy is important so when marketers can see something is working for them it is good to stick with it.

Audiences and online video 

In 2022 the average person is predicted to spend 100 minutes per day watching video content. 

More people are watching video therefore more video is needed to be created, video is now the preferred way of finding out information as it is easy to digest, visuals are a lot easier to understand than text and images. You want your information to be given in the easiest format and the quickest way for people to digest it, and as people are spending more time watching video content as they have more time due to working from home they are able to watch more video content while working. If your company is creating video content it will more likely be noticed and be watched by more customers due to choosing to watch more video content. 55% of people view online videos everyday. Audiences want video and there is a huge amount of people watching video content everyday so as a business you want to be making sure you're getting to the front of that.

94% of video marketers say video has helped customers increase understanding of their product or service. 

You want your customer to understand what you're selling to them, if they are given a piece of text they might not choose to read what's in front of them. However, given a video to watch that's between 1-2 minutes long they will prefer to sit and watch that. Customers are more likely to understand what companies are selling if they are being sold through video as the information is easier to digest. You want your content to be memorable, using colours and characters or people will help customers remember who you are and what you sell as it will leave an imprint in clients brains, you will be standing out to audiences. 72% of customers said they would rather learn about a product or service from a video, as a company you want to be meeting the needs of your audience, you want to be giving them what they want. By doing this it will more likely convince the customer to shop with you as you are catering to their needs which shows that you put the customer first and that they are important to you. 

52% of viewers watch a video all the way through and only 25% finish watching a video if it's 20 minutes or longer. 

You want to be keeping your content short and sweet, the shorter your content the more audiences will watch the entire video as well as interacting with it. Humans have an attention span of around 8 seconds, for video content this means it's important to make the first few seconds as engaging as possible as you want everyone to stay focused on what your video is talking about. Keeping product videos or explainer videos between 1 to 2 minutes is perfect, you're making it long enough for your company to fit everything in but also it's not too long that your customer will lose interest and click off your video. 

92% of customers watch videos with the sound off

This is important to remember when creating content. Making sure your video is suitable to watch without the sound is crucial as more people are making the decision to listen to video without sound. As a company you can make the decision if you add subtitles to your content so people are able to read what is being said in the video. From this, 50% of consumers rely on captions of videos to understand what the video is about, creating a strong caption to your video is necessary. People rely on captions to gather an understanding if your content is important to them, making it easy to understand and relatable to your audience will push more people to watch your video. 

Knowing and remembering these video marketing stats is crucial, you want to be making sure you're meeting the needs of your audiences better and giving them what they want and what they are more interested in. If the majority of your audience prefers video you should start considering creating video content for them as they will become more engaged with the brand and interested in what you are trying to sell to them. 

As a business you want your customers to understand what you’re selling to them in the easiest possible way. Video is able to take the complex concept and ideas and make them a lot simpler for everyone to gather knowledge of. The mixture of sounds and moving visuals allows the brain to digest the information a lot quicker then a piece of text would. Video will also allow customers to feel a part of the company more as it gives a much more personal feel to your brand. 

If you're considering making video content in 2025, chat to one of our team today to find out how we can help. 

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Maddie Prior
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